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When will the end of fossil energies for cars ?


A few months ago, Nicolas Hulot, Minister of Ecological Transition, presented his “Climate Plan “. Among the various measures planned, the one concerning the end of the sale of diesel cars and gasoline by 2040 has the effect of a bomb, especially for car manufacturers. Do we nevertheless rejoice at this announcement and sounds (finally) the end of the fossil energies for cars ?

An ambitious and justified government measure

In July 2016, Nicolat Hulot announced, in the continuity of the Climate Plan, “the end of the sale of gasoline and diesel cars  by 2040 “. The objective : to end the fossil energies and to commit to carbon neutrality. This measure is at least pleasing in many ways because fossil fuels are a real hell for the environment :

  • coal, gas and petroleum being carbon derivatives, these fossil fuels emit carbon dioxide (CO2) in large quantities when they burn. As we have known for a long time, CO² promotes the greenhouse effect. The IEA (the International Energy Agency) estimates that fossil fuels alone account for 80% of global CO2 emissions ! When we know that the greenhouse effect has an impact on the increase in temperature, we can expect + 3°C in 2040 if we continue the exploitation of fossil fuels. Nicolas Hulot, France, is committed to limiting global warming below 2°C.


  • oil and coal are the source of considerable atmospheric pollution, made up of oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, carbon, lead, heavy minerals… A deadly cocktail (breathing problems, bronchitis, asthma…) when we know that 65 million barrels of oil are consumed every day !
  • Not to mention the acid rain generated by the mixture of oxides of sulfur and nitrogen / atmospheric water, but also oil spills, releases of methane…
  • Unfortunately, faced with this objective at least appropriate, let us not forget that the financial stakes are strong and that the shortfall will certainly be insurmountable for some… Are we really near the end of the fossil energies for cars ?

The end of fossil energies for cars ?

If this measure is an example for other European countries, let us not forget that French hydrocarbon production accounts for “only” 1% of its national consumption. Not much in comparison to the government’s will to reduce by 30% the consumption of fossil energies by 2030…

Moreover, the decision taken by Nicolas Hulot is far from complete : even though no exploration and exploitation permit will be issued on the territory, the flagship measure of the Climate Plan does not attack 33 the exploration currently underway on French territory… However, it remains a strong symbol and has the merit of highlighting the devastating consequences of fossil fuels on the environment.


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