OMPE | Organisation Mondiale pour la Protection de l’Environnement | Email : [email protected] | Tel : +33 (0)

The OMPE warns about global warming !


The OMPE warns about global warming !

The OMPE, through the voice of its founding president, is asking for the support of France and Emmanuel Macron to help it in its fight against global warming and forest fires!
The OMPE ranks forest fires as the greatest global danger and global warming as the highest priority that must be dealt with urgently! This NGO, which protects the environment and biodiversity, intends to be the main actor against this environmental danger which is major and indisputable and suggests leading this fight from France. Gilles Lazzarini asks to be contacted by the President of the Republic or the Prime Minister urgently! This passionate environmentalist is determined to do whatever it takes to preserve our planet, our future and that of our future generations!

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