The less festive foie gras
This year, the mayor of Lyon has also resolved, like other cities before him such as Villeurbanne, Strasbourg and Grenoble, to boycott a famous specialty of the South West: foie gras.

Indeed, these cities prohibit it during official receptions, buffets, various ceremonies but also in school catering.
By posting this decision, they want to campaign against cruelty to these animals because they believe they are the product of breeding “against animal welfare in general”.

It was even Strasbourg, “the capital of Christmas” which banned this met from these events in the spring of 2020.

Over the years, many elected officials opt for this decision, which unfortunately is not unanimous with a certain public, such as the President of an association representing producers of Alsatian foie gras and quotes “we are already stopped by the current health crisis, a general rise in prices as well as certain diseases such as avian flu, if now elected officials attack us, this will send back a very bad image to consumers ”.
With the end of the year celebrations approaching, we will find in any household a common thread including a family meal, the pleasure of being together, many gifts under the tree, … but only one thing will differ, is- what will it be with or without foie gras?